Tuesday, March 26, 2013


It has been a LONG time since I opened this blog.  I started out with lots of info on adoption, foster care, scrapbooking, sewing, quilting, etc.........  

No excuses.  I did not forget.  Life just got in the way and I did not post like I wanted to.  Well those days are gone and new days of here.

I guess since I started this blog Hurricane Ike ate our house.  We rebuilt (moved out to rebuild and then back in).  Vowed to NEVER move again.  That did not last long.  Corporate sent us to Alaska for a couple of years.  That did not last long.  I missed my kids. So we moved back.  Two more 6000 mile moves in less than 2 years.  Actually 3 moves.  We moved in with my sister until we found our house we wanted to buy.  By we I mean me, husband, 3 kids, a lab and a german shepard.  My sister is a saint, what can I say.

Well I am making myself a promise to post AT LEAST once a week.  

If you have suggestions, this is the place to leave them.




Yes, it is true, you CAN adopt thru the state agencies but IT IS NOT EASY! We have FIANLLY completed our second adoption. If you work for CPS, you might NOT want to read further. While I am completely happy with the opportunity God has given us to adopt Staci and Faith, I do NOT like the system. It is ever so dang hard to do good work thru such a broken system.

If there are so many children to be adopted, why don't the workers move with something other than the speed of molasses on a cold winter morning? It is like death by slow multilation, trying to adopt thru this broken system. I am firmly convinced the only reason we have been able to complete these 2 adoptions is that God brought them to our home BEFORE there was a need for adoption. His timing is perfect!

Yes, I do sound a little bitter and that is only because I am. All I hear is that there are "SO MANY CHILDREN NEEDING HOMES, BLAH BLAH BLAH". That is what happens when you have 2 empty places in your home that is licensed for adoption and you cannot get children placed. We have inquired on many children available for adoption over the last couple of years but rarely even here a "thank you for your inquiry but we have chosen another family", much less a simple thank you. Maybe that goes back to the fact that no one rsvp's, reutrns phone calls, sends thank you notes, or has any social graces any longer.

Monday, August 4, 2008

MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!

This picture was taken at Lacey's graduation this past December. She graduated from the University of Houston with her bachelors degree in biology. Just ask me if we are proud of her! From left to right at the top is Brandy, Lacey holding Staci and John (the dad). The bottom row is me holding Faith who is trying her best to escape and John (the brother). This isn't all of us but it is enough to keep me busy.


This is where it all started many years ago - with him! This is the father of the clan, my wonderful husband who has never ending patience! He has to have never ending patience to live with me for over 2 decades. He even likes it most of the time. That is Julie beside him, our family mascot and the dog that rules the house. How many dogs do you know that get to go to the races with the family? This is one of his race cars. This is a man of many hobbies. A man that can build anything he can think of.


OK, so this is miracles #1 AND #4 together. Brandy, now 35 (on the left) and Lacey (on the right) are 12 years apart. They are very lucky to have each other. And I am very blessed to have both of them.


WOW! How do they grow up so stinking fast? This is Jason (28 yrs old) with his wife Allison and baby Addison. Lacey and Justin used to gang up on him when they were little. Jason, of course always held his own. LOL


Wow, so many miracles and so little time. This is Justin , 25 yrs. old and his son Colton. He and Lacey are less than 2 years apart. When they were kids, they were inseparable, almost like twins. They have a special bond that will never be broken no matter what happens or where they are. I think that is something very special. As a child, Justin could sell ice cubes to the Eskimos. He just has a natural talent for convincing people they need what he has. His dad also has this talent.


Lacey is 23 and just graduated from U of H with her bachelors degree in Biology. Now she is working on a Masters Degree in Health and Human Performance. After that she will hopefully get accepted to Physical Therapy School and get her PHD at that time. I am soooooo proud of her. Lacey played soccer from when she was very small thru her freshman year at Sam Houston State University. I loved watching her play; I also loved coaching her when she was younger. Lacey is a true joy to have around. I am very proud of her.

John - Miracle #5

John is a true miracle child. They told me, I'd never have any more children, that if I got pregnant, I would not carry the child to term. Thankfully God does NOT go by mans plan. Enter John. At 35 I was not only pregnant but delivered an 8 pound, 22 1/2" healthy baby. I spent over half my pregnancy in bed, which wasn't easy with 4 other active children in and out but it was worth every minute of it.

He is 15, the most perfect teenager I could ever want. He loves to hunt and fish. This is the first deer he got this year. John has a wonderful gift of art. He recently won the VFW competition with a picture he drew of his grandfather in the Korean War. Watch for his pictures in future posts. I am very proud of John. I am lucky enough to homeschool him. That means I get to spend 24/7 with him. I consider that a great honor. I will HATE it when he leaves home. I love spending time with my son.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


This is our darling Staci. She is 2 ½. She has a special birthday, Christmas Day. I am not sure where the time has gone. It seems like she should still be a tiny baby. She’s our little inquisitive one. She mothers Faith, cleans the house like an adult. I think she is a mini-me. She is our 6th little blessing.


ADOPTION DAY!!! Is going to be very soon. In one week we will be in front of the judge to make it official - that Faith Lillian is OURS! She has been ours for 16 months, since she was born, but now she will be legally ours. She is child #7 and our 2nd adopted child. God has been very good to us. We are so truly blessed.